Project Results
Project Result 1 - The tools we all need
Leader: EUROPE FOR ALL (Italy)
In each of the participating countries, meetings will be organized with target groups (women, immigrants and long-term unemployed individuals). The purpose is to understand their specific needs that should be fulfilled so as to provide them the competencies to boost their employability and to provide them the sufficient awareness to take active part in the sustainable development of their environment. The potential for transfer is expected to be high, because the results and conclusions will be drawn from the conclusions drawn between all partners. The impact, therefore, will be significant and will determine the realization of the following Result (2). This first activity with young people is of great importance since it will allow to know the demands of first-hand skills and it is key that the identification be as complete as possible since the tools that will be generated will be according to the identified needs.
Project Result 2 - Training Programme
On the basis of the baseline provided by the Result 1, the guiding training programme will give the path to ensure a training activity towards a social transformation project. The emphasis will be on the training needs detected in the target groups of the 6 partners entities. Learners will be the target groups of the project (women, immigrants and long-term unemployed individuals. The content will consider several important didactic aspects that will have to be detailed during the Transnational Meeting in Austria.
Project Result 3 - Becoming and Agent for Inclusion
At the conclusion of the preparation of the modules (Result 2), the accompaniment of the idea to project begins. This phase will last another six months and will include, among others:
– Preparation of website
– Selection of trainees / tutors
– Selection of trainers
– Preparation of content format (blended training)
During the same the materials of the theoretical modules will be retaken to help conceptualize a social project. This exercise will be done by the participants in a group, there will be a project target groups association.